Why an LNG-Pool?
In Germany, only importers – or the largest end users – are able to purchase prospectively cheap LNG directly. The aim of the ecotec and EnB initiative is to aggregate a natural gas demand of approximately 10 TWh per year in the LNG-Pool in order to request LNG directly from international suppliers. If enough demand is bundled, it will be placed in the next mid-term-tender via the European gas procurement platform AggregateEU. Subsequently, further negotiations on delivery location and price are conducted with the interested suppliers, who then submit binding offers. Finally, we present the results and – together with you - agree on a suitable option for physical delivery to your company.
Your administrative effort will be minimal. Neither registration on AggregateEU nor direct assumption of risk is required; all processes run in the background. You will receive an individual price indication based on the negotiated offers. Joining the ecotec and EnB LNG-Pool is free of charge and without any further obligations.
Additional information can be found here and further down on this page.
Would you like to take advantage of this opportunity to reduce costs? Then we need a few details to coordinate the next step with you. Please follow this link.
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