An increasingly complex energy market, dominating algorithms in energy trading, increasing regulation in addition to geopolitical influences are all leading to very opaque structures. This radical reorganisation of the current system poses a major challenge for many market participants.

We help you to recognise and adapt to upcoming developments at an early stage by accelerating the transformation of your company and ensuring resilience of its structures.

Prices of volatile energy supply systems are increasingly fluctuating. This means that the insurance premium for maintaining a reliable supply is getting ever higher. To keep your energy costs under control, you should carefully consider which procurement model works best for your needs and which supplier can fulfil them best. We can assist you in this decision.

For large consumers, providing full supply as part of a tranche model is no longer "fit for future". At the same time, there are many contract models with different names circulating among market partners, which are constantly changing and differ considerably in terms of content. We will sort out all of this for you, provide you with a tailor-made solution and even turn you into your own supplier if you gather enough megawatt hours on your meters. In the process, you will integrate your own renewable energy, regardless of whether they are self-generated or PPA. Once you've made the transition, you'll reap the rewards: flexibility, speed and long-term price hedging options. But the best of all: energy prices that can be compared online without having to change your contract. What more could you wish for?

You will get the right procurement model, procurement strategy and the best market partners through our expertise.

We advise your executive management and support your energy department to keep up to date and noticeably relieved at all times.

To achieve this, we gain a comprehensive overview of your company's energy situation and proactively keep you in the loop. This means that if any anomalies surface in the form of new developments or changes that specifically affect you we will inform you the moment we find out.

This not only frees up your resources but also gives you the security to make the right decisions - which is particularly relevant for companies that have to master multiple energy challenges at once.

Rest assured that we

  • keep an eye on your contracts
  • monitor your costs
  • forecast your budget and
  • report incorrect invoices to you

Our mission is to keep your back free in energy-related matters so that you can keep your energy costs under control.


Discover AggregateEU, the EU platform for international natural gas, biomethane and hydrogen procurement. We support you in diversifying your portfolio and aggregate your demand on the platform. Benefit from better prices and secure your future needs by importing green hydrogen and its derivatives. Design your climate strategy together with us.

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The natural gas price level remains high in 2024, at approximately twice the pre-crisis level. Therefore, reducing cost is key. ecotec and EnB’s LNG-Pool offers natural gas consumers with a consumption of more than 50 GWh per year a novel procurement channel. The aim is to aggregate demand of approx. 10 TWh per year in order to request direct LNG delivery from international suppliers. Joining the LNG-Pool is free of charge, without obligation and the administrative effort is low. All related processes run in the background. You receive individual price indications based on negotiated offers specifically tailored to your needs.

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Grid charges for electricity and gas are a significant part of your energy costs - and they can be reduced. We check your grid fees and show you how to minimize them if there is potential.

We are market leader for special charges in accordance with Section 20 (2) GasNEV and advise several dozen end consumers in this segment. We support you in the construction of direct pipelines and the design of new grid connections. With us, you will reach your destination faster and more efficiently.

If your natural gas consumption exceeds 50 GWh/a and your electricity consumption 10 GWh/a, you are well placed for optimisation.


The energy transition is changing electricity generation from base-load capable to fluctuating feeders. The rising supply of PV and wind power is therefore increasingly affecting the price of electricity. If less renewable energy is fed into the grid than predicted, prices rise - and vice versa.

This is exactly what you can benefit from if you trade your flexibility in electricity procurement or generation. You also help to save CO2 by integrating renewables into the system. In this way, you actively contribute to grid stabilisation and the energy transition.

We help you to identify flexibility potential of your own generation and electricity consumption and to adjust your procurement contracts.

“The successful collaboration with ecotec helped us to switch from full-supply to the right procurement model for us. ecotec convinced us with a very innovative approach and a high level of professionalism during implementation. This is something we have been accustomed to from ecotec's other energy industry consulting services for many years.”

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Sebastian Pfaff

Head of Energy Procurement

Mrs. Melanie Materne