When will you next need to buy natural gas? You will probably notice that the number of suppliers has fallen significantly and the surcharges on the pure gas price have risen considerably. We can offer a solution for large consumers from approx. 50 GWh/a: The procurement of pipeline gas and the bundling of demand (aggregation) for the joint procurement of LNG via AggregateEU. AggregateEU is the EU procurement platform that has enabled the joint procurement of natural gas since April 2023. Demand is bundled every two months and brought together with offers from suppliers. The future goal is to import green hydrogen and its derivatives - as a building block of your climate strategy.
We support you in creating the conditions for your participation. From adapting your existing supply contracts (keyword: third-party volumes) to registering on the platform and negotiating prices and contracts. This enables you to reach new markets and suppliers and thus diversify your portfolio and prices without wholesale fees or middlemen. We accompany you every step of the way and also offer you the opportunity to aggregate your volumes with our other customers in the LNG-Pool to establish a direct line to LNG, green gas and hydrogen suppliers. Doesn't that sound forward-looking?